New content available on Cafeyn
New newspapers and magazines are now available on Cafeyn!
This resource provides access to over 1,400 titles from the national and international press, both general and specialized. You can use it to read publications such as Libération, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Economist, Le Point, Challenges, and more! The PDF version of the print publication is available, as well as a screen-friendly version that allows you to adjust the text size to you preference.
You'll now be able to find the following 15 titles:
- News:
- Le Figaro
- Forbes Afrique
- Le Nouvel Économiste
- La Tribune du Dimanche
- La Voix de l'Ain
- L'Observateur de Beauvais
- La Semaine des Pyrénées
- Professionnal press:
- Points de vente
- Grande Cuisine
- Restauration Collective
- Industrie Hôtelière
- Environnement Magazine
- Entertainment:
- Stylist
- Opéra Magazine
- Positif
For even more press, see also Europresse and Factiva.