Full text of 1400 national and international general and specialized press titles

Publisher :
Language : English - French
Language : English - French
- Students/Executive participants
- Faculty/Staff
- Ph.D
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- Alumni (campus only)
- External Users (campus only)
Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only.
- French and international newspapers: Libération, Le Figaro, The Telegraph, The Guardian...
- General news magazines: The Economist, Le Point, l'Express, Challenges, TIME Magazine...
- Specialized and professional publications: Stratégies, Supply Chain Magazine, IT for Business, Décisions Achat, Marketing, l'Agefi…
- Magazines: Wired, Usbek & Rica, Slate, L’éléphant, la Revue dessinée…
Specific features
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