How do I... - Monday 18 November 2019
How to find French companies based abroad?
And the other way around...

Looking for a French company with foreign shareholders
In Diane, all you have to do is define the shareholder's location since Diane focuses on French companies.
Actionnariat > Entreprises détenant une Filiale > Filiale étrangère

Looking for a French or foreign company with foreign shareholders
In Orbis, you need to define both the country of the main company and the country of the subsidiaries. First, select the country of the main company in “Location”, then select the country of the shareholder:
Ownership > Subsidiaries with > Foreign shareholders
In the example below we're looking for Indian companies that have subsidiaries in France. We have selected France in "Location". In "Foreign shareholders", we check the option "The subsidiary is located in a specific country or region", then we select India in the list that appears.
By default, the participation is 51%, but you can change this in the “Participation” tab.
Your search can be refined with the following criterias:
number of shareholders
name of the shareholder (if you're looking for the list of a shareholder's companies in a specific country, fill in the "Location" field on the homepage)
profile of the shareholder (activity type, percentage of ownership, size...). See below:

And the other way around...
Companies owning a subsidiary
The search by "foreign subsidiaries" is done in the same way, but this time with the purpose of finding the list of companies with subsidiaries (in the first case, by selecting "foreign shareholders", only the list of subsidiaries is obtained).