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How to find... - Tuesday 18 February 2025

Find job opportunities with GlobalData Explorer

GlobalData Explorer (GDX) is a powerful set of databases containing information on markets, companies, countries and products. You can use it in two ways: either by typing keywords into the search bar on the home page to find different types of information on a subject, or by selecting a particular database to find a specific type of information. We will develop this second method below in order to find job offers.

To find job offers abroad in a specific sector, you can quickly access a detailed analysis of the job market via the Job Analytics database on the GlobalData Explorer platform. To access it, click on the ‘Databases’ tab, and choose Job Analytics.


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How to find... - Tuesday 17 December 2024

Finding market shares with GlobalData Explorer

GlobalData Explorer (GDX) is a powerful set of databases containing information on markets, companies, countries and products. You can use it in two ways: either by typing keywords into the search bar on the home page to find different types of information on a subject, or by selecting a particular database to find a specific type of information. We will develop this second method below.

For market share research on an economic sector, on companies or on specific products, go to the ‘Databases’ tab in GlobalData Explorer :


Among the resources accessible via ‘...

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How to find... - Friday 25 February 2022

Find complementary market data

In our “how to find information about a business sector” highlight, we explained how to find full market reports on our databases. Unfortunately, not all market reports are available in full text in our subscriptions.

This concerns particularly the market reports form, but also some industry profiles, for example those of iCrowdNewswire. Though those resources aren’t so much cited in academic articles as other like Statista for example (more than 200 citations in CAIRN articles and books, versus only 1 for, 165 000 vs 36 000 in Google Scholar), the subjects they cover can be of interest for certain research. 

There are ways to counter this lack of data, by using other complementary...

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How to find... - Friday 29 January 2021

How to find your way around Moodle

The Moodle tutorials allow you to take control of the platform efficiently.

Thanks to the Moodle tutorials

  • Professors and course assistants can learn or review the settings required to implement pedagogical activities
  • Students and participants can learn how to use Moodle activities and functions

Sign up for tutorials

You may click on “Help” to choose the type of tutorials you want to consult depending on your status: tutorials for professors and course assistants, tutorials for students and participants or Frequently Asked Questions.


Once you have made your selection, whether you are a professor or a student, you will then have to click on "enrol me" to access the contents:


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Tags: tutoriel, Moodle

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How to find... - Friday 10 April 2020

Journal Search

Journal Search is a tool on Discovery that allows you to find any periodical the K-lab subscribes to.

The K-lab subscribes to many periodicals: general press, professional journals, academic journals... While a few titles are only accessible in paper version, the majority is now available online. Access can be different from one title to another, depending on the database they are available on.
To know where to find them, simply search for the title of the newspaper or journal in the "Journal Search" at the top of the page on Discovery. 


By clicking on the result you are interested in, you will then be able to find out how to read the articles in the "View online" section. In this example, Le Monde is available on Business Source...

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