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National Anti-Sexism Day

Since 2024, France has held a National Anti-Sexism Day every 25 January. As indicated on the website of the Ministry responsible for equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination, the aim of this day is to ‘raise society's awareness of this issue [...], promote local and national initiatives [...], increase the number of actions taken by the public authorities [...], and establish this day as a permanent fixture on the French landscape in order to make the fight against sexism a key element in the success of French policy in favour of equality between women and men’.

At ESSEC, a Charter for the Respect for Others was introduced in 2019 to combat such discrimination. With its Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the institution also encourages the implementation of concrete actions and projects: For example, an e-learning module entitled ‘Preventing and combating everyday sexism in the workplace’ has been set up.

At the same time, K-lab is hosting an exhibition on the subject.

You will find below a selection of documents to inform you: 


Academic articles

Newspaper articles

