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Digital Pedagogy Day : Pedagogy & Attention

On Tuesday March 18th, the second edition of Digital Pedagogy Day will take place at K-lab. Aimed at teachers, it will focus on the theme of “Pedagogy & Attention”. 

At ESSEC, the K-lab has taken up this issue on several occasions. Articles on the Pedagolab blog retrace the actions implemented for this purpose: the adoption of a lightboard and active learning rooms, the “Design thinking” method, the use of case studies, etc.


The learning center also offers an exhibition on attention from the week of March 17th.


Here are some resources in english and in french you can use to further your thinking on this topic: 



Academic articles




  • L’attention. France Culture, Votre cerveau, saison 6, épisode 1, 21 octobre 2024. 

