Delphes is now IndexPresse Business
You enjoy using Delphes to find French sector press articles?
Don't worry, you can still use IndexPresse Business for that. In addition to indexed articles, you'll now find even more content, produced directly by the IndexPresse Business editorial team:
- market studies on innovative and emerging sectors that receive little or no coverage in the trade press. Here are the latest studies:
- Dépollution : l'innovation se déploie, facilitant l'arrivée de nouveaux entrants sur un marché dominé par les grands groupes.
- Le marché des compléments alimentaires en France : le dynamisme du marché attire de nouveaux entrants et favorise l’innovation au sein d’une offre pléthorique.
- Investissement à impact : le secteur gagne en visibilité malgré un périmètre encore instable et la menace du greenwashing.
- thematic reports: a selection of articles on a key topic related to transformations and lasting changes in markets and businesses, organized into several parts. For example:
- Se nourrir de façon raisonnée et raisonnable : une équation délicate mais nécessaire
- La robotique poursuit sa démocratisation et transforme l'industrie
- Ecologie, fast-fashion, luxe : les paradoxes de la mutation de l'industrie de la mode
- infographics,
- press summaries: bulleted-list summaries of articles,
- Current news from a wide range of sectors (with the option of subscribing to receive new articles by email).
IndexPresse content is clearly identified to differentiate it from press articles.
The redesigned platform will help you find information on a particular sector or company, as well as keep up to date with French business news, trends and developing sectors.