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Revues, codes et jurisprudence française et africaine
Publisher : Lextenso
Language : French

  • Students/Executive participants
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Ph.D
  • External Lecturers (campus only)
  • Alumni (campus only)

Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only.

Lextenso is a legal French database providing access to journals, codes and French and African case law.


Codes: all the official codes in force and their various versions

Journals: 25 general and specialized journals, including Gazette du Palais, Bulletins Joly and Petites affiches. The journals to which you have access vary according to your subscription. Journal articles can be consulted online or in PDF format.

Case law: over 2,800,000 decisions (including over 2,000,000 decisions from appeal courts).

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