Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Evaluation and comparison tool for academic journals in the social sciences
Publisher : Clarivate
Language : English
Language : English
- Students/Executive participants
- Faculty/Staff
- Ph.D
- External Lecturers (campus only)
- Alumni (campus only)
- External Users (campus only)
Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only.
Annual publication of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)
Bibliographic information, impact factors, citation counts
Create your account (account valid for JCR and Web of Science) in order to fully use JCR and all related tools
Additional resources
JCR Fact Sheet @Thomson
Tutorial @Thomson
Youtube channel @Web of Science
InCites User Group @Web of Science
Help content @Thomson
Impact factor tutorial @Thomson
SCImago Journal and Country Rank: free portal for the ranking, analysis, and comparison of journals within their scientific domain and country