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Access extensive data on the boards of publicly listed and notable private companies in Northern America
Publisher : The Deal
Language : English

  • Students/Executive participants
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Ph.D

Use of the data is authorized for personal use in an academic context only.

Find pieces of information about: 

  • Profiles 900,000+ (directors, senior management, disclosed earners), companies (listed and private)
  • Network Connections Between individuals via professional connections
  • Board Summary Composition, compensation, committees 
  • Company Details Employees, capitalization, revenue, auditors
  • ​Educational background, prior employment, and connections of directors and executives
  • Proportion of politically connected directors, using CEO-level controls such as age, gender, and experience
  • Executive Stock Option Holdings

Specific features:

The access to BoardEx is provided through the WRDS platform.

  • Ask for a 24h ID and password

  • Faculty and Ph.D. can access their personal account (click on "register" in the top bar menu)

  • When logging into the account for the first time, a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required to secure access to the account. The 2FA authentication guide is available on the WRDS website


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