The K-lab's conquest, mission accomplished!
The Knowledge Lab team has set up an immersive game to introduce students to the services and spaces of the K-lab in 1 hour.
Good humour, strategic thinking and teamwork were the common thread of this experience; values made in ESSEC!
On December 3, at the awards ceremony, the three winning teams received their prizes: tickets for the night of ESSEC for the winners, FNAC gift coupon for the second and UGC cinema tickets for the third. We congratulate them and each of the participating teams.
Discover the ranking of the conquerors and their scores:
1. Gradient Descent, 42"55
2.La colloc (the roommate), 49"30
3. Cool Kids, 50"52
No less than 55 participants boarded the "Lost in Space" mission in October and November. Available in French and English, 100% of players recommend this game! The immersive game will come back next year at the K-lab.
Get ready!
Lost in Space in figures
- 55 students
- 13 teams
- 1 month of mission
- 2 winning teams were French and 1 Indian
- 9/10, the score given to the game by the students
- 100% of players recommend Lost in Space