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accueil.k.lab.jpgYou can borrow:

  • books and textbooks
  • magazines, DVDs
  • iPads, Chromebooks
  • Calculators
  • Headphones
  • DVD players
  • AV kits (tripod, smartphone holder and microphones)
  • Multi USB Charger

You can read newspapers on site.

Find all these documents on Discovery.




Participants EEE


& Staff
External lecturers

10 books or journals

3 weeks

or DVDs 

3 weeks

10 books or journals

6 weeks

or DVDs 

3 weeks

10 books or journals

6 weeks

or DVDs 

3 weeks

20 books or journals

10 weeks

or DVDs 

3 weeks

10 books or journals

10 weeks

or DVDs 

3 weeks

1 iPad or 1 Chromebook or 1 DVD player

1 calculator or 1 headphone

or 10 recommended textbooks

1 week

1 AV kit

3 days



If the book or DVD you need is already borrowed, click on "Request" on the document's record in Discovery.

Participants can request available documents to be sent for them to pick up at La Défense campus.


  • You can renew your loans in your reader account

  • You are notified by e-mail approximatively 3 days before the due date. Don't forget to renew your loans in order to avoid being overdue. If the renewal fails (item is reserved, other items are overdue, unpaid fines), bring back your documents as soon as possible.

Return documents

  • On Cergy campus (for everyone)

  • On La Défense campus (except initial education students)


You can't issue new loans or renew current loan when you have overdue items. After 12 days (except week-end, holidays and bank holiday), your Myessec portal will be blocked.

For more details on our loan policy and lost/damaged items, see the K-lab and Learning Center Rules.