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How to find... - Tuesday 18 February 2025

Find job opportunities with GlobalData Explorer

GlobalData Explorer (GDX) is a powerful set of databases containing information on markets, companies, countries and products. You can use it in two ways: either by typing keywords into the search bar on the home page to find different types of information on a subject, or by selecting a particular database to find a specific type of information. We will develop this second method below in order to find job offers.

To find job offers abroad in a specific sector, you can quickly access a detailed analysis of the job market via the Job Analytics database on the GlobalData Explorer platform. To access it, click on the ‘Databases’ tab, and choose Job Analytics.


Job Analytics (JA) allows you to obtain a concise overview of the market and the competition by analysing employment trends, and then to delve deeper to obtain a more personalised and detailed list with related analyses.

JA covers more than 3.6 million jobs in over 18,000 million companies worldwide. This database has a global coverage of more than 200 countries by workplace: on the American continent, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia-Pacific. JA meticulously monitors the daily job offers published by organisations worldwide.

Hiring intentions serve as a significant indicator for identifying trends and critical signals across macroeconomic, sectoral, thematic and organisational dimensions. JA helps companies and universities understand the future of work, skills trends, qualifications and current job vacancies.


Let's look at a specific illustration of how Job Analytics can be used to search job market data for a Senior Engineering Manager position over the last 3 months in the US


You will obtain results in the form of graphs or tables, which can be downloaded in various formats (pdf, image, cvs, json, etc.):


This database is very rich, and thanks to its granularity you can refine your searches and obtain very precise data.

GlobalData Explorer also allows you to find highly specialised data:

  • country profiles, in the "Geography" database
  • information about industry sectors, in the "Sector" database
  • social media analyses, in the "Social Media" database
  • job market data, in the "Job Analytics" database

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