How do I... - Thursday 30 April 2020
Legal Framework of Educational Documents
As an ESSEC professor, you probably use documents to illustrate your courses, and produce some as part of your teaching and research. This guide will help you make sure that you do so while respecting copyright.

Presented in the form of FAQs, this guide will help you answer the different questions you ask yourself depending on the context, by refering to the law in a simple and pragmatic way, in relation to the precise and real situations of teaching or research that you encounter.
Each important notion has been schematized in this guide in visual and synthetic form in order to facilitate the understanding and appropriation of the behavior to be followed.
The link to the legal reference texts is made for each of the concepts addressed in the cases described, recalled in the diagrams, and reproduced in the appendix to the guide.
All the concepts applicable to the situations described (copyright, its scope and its exceptions) are listed in the glossary of the Legal FAQ.
A French version of the Legal FAQ is available here.
If you have any questions about this FAQ, or in relation to your practices, contact Mathilde Cocherel:
To access the FAQ below, you must be logged in to your ESSEC Google account.