How do I... - Wednesday 20 November 2019
Google Scholar: widen your sources!
Didn't find enough information in the Learning Center resources and Google? Google Scholar might help!
Where? How?
Google Scholar is available to everyone on the Internet but you can benefit from many more full-text resources by setting the following parameters:
Why is it different from Google?
As you can see, the results list features additional information:
Cited by: that's the the number of articles in Google Scholar that cite this article.
Related articles: click on this to launch another search on the same subject.
All X versions: this link shows you all different versions of an article (preprint, proceedings, working paper...). That's more choice for you!
FullText @ESSEC: if you added ESSEC in the Library Links settings, Google Scholar detects the Learning Center's available resources and sends you directly to the full-text.
Do you want to stay updated on Google Scholar's coverage of a specific subject? Click on "Create alert" on the left sidebar: all you need is a valid e-mail address!
And if you want to edit or delete your alerts, click on "More..." at the top left of the page then choose "Alerts" in the Google products list.
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