How do I... - Thursday 13 June 2019
Health industries
The K-lab introduces you to helpful resources to be better trained and informed on Health industries.

- To find academic articles and journals, you shall check Discovery, which will redirect you to academic databases such as ScienceDirect (historical medical editor: Elsevier) with The Lancet journal / Sage / Emerald / Springer / Business Source Complete.
Tip: use Google Scholar Inside to cross-check your topic, you may find articles from other databases.
Examples of academic journals:
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How do I... - Thursday 06 June 2019
How to write a bibliography?

What is it for?
A bibliography is the list of the documents you used to write a paper or dissertation.
It has two purposes:
demonstrating the quality of your work: your arguments are backed by your research
allowing the verification of your work: your reader might be interested in some of your sources and look for the document that inspired you
Where to place it?
A bibliography is generally placed at the end of your paper. You can also insert a shorter bibliography at the end of each part or chapter.
How to organize references?
A bibliography must follow a structure, which can be either:
thematic: you can use the different parts of your paper
by document type: first books, then articles, etc.
In any case, references...
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How do I... - Friday 26 April 2019
An easy way to read the daily national and international press!

Did you know you could use Factiva and Europresse for an article search on a topical subject ? You can also use it to read the daily international press, without having to run a search?
To consult the daily press on Europresse, it's easy! Once connected to Europresse, click on "PDF Section" in the top menu.
When you arrive on this page dedicated to the daily press,...
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How do I... - Wednesday 03 April 2019
7 go-to resources for quality video content

Need to find a video to illustrate a concept? Want to use a news broadcast as an example? Can’t find that conference everybody’s talking about?
You may find what you are looking for among the K-lab resources, and in particular the Médiathèque Numérique and the Coursera MOOCs.
In addition to the resources offered by the K-lab, we have selected 7 resources for you to browse when looking for videos: covering a wide range of topics or ultra specialized, these resources focus on quality of form and substance.
1. Xerfi Canal
You know Xerfi for its studies and market reports… discover its video channel! Xerfi Canal interviews experts, CEOs, and politicians on all...
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How do I... - Monday 14 January 2019
3 tips for better Google searches

Google is pretty straighforward to use but also brings up many, many results, sometimes making it hard to find relevant information. However a few little tricks can help you make better and quicker searches.
1. Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, like “sustainable development” or “IT costs”. They force Google to search for the whole word chain and not each word separately. See the difference when searching for google in libraries and “google in libraries”: the first brings up results on computer science, the second on the use of Google in libraries: not the same, huh?
Quotation marks are also useful when searching for a book or article title, or any document for that matter. And of course it also works in...
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