The K-lab provides access for Students, Participants, Staff and Faculty to the certifying experience for the MOOCs created by ESSEC professors on Coursera. A total of 45 MOOCs, on subjects as diverse as the circular economy, diversity and inclusion, and managerial innovation, are available for you to attend, and for which you can obtain free certification by registering from the K-lab website....13/03/2024
The Learning Center will be present at Science & Society Day on April 4 from 10am to 2pm. Several librarians and documentalists will be on hand to answer all your questions. Come and discover our resources and services! A selection of documents on the various topics covered during the day will be available for borrowing for ESSEC community. Here is an overview: Igalens Jacques. (...12/03/2024
After presenting several of the Coursera MOOCs to which you have access thanks to K-lab resources, this month we've chosen to introduce you to a MOOC on another platform. The United Nations Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC: Learn) offers dozens of MOOCs covering the many facets of climate change, often in several languages. "Cities and Climate Change" is a MOOC lasting around 2 hours,...06/03/2024
Register for the webinars organised by Clarivates on Web of Science and InCites
Clarivates is organising a number of webinars in French to help users get to grips with its Web of Science and InCites solutions. Le nouveau Grants Index sur la plateforme Web of Science jeudi 14 mars 2024 15h00-16h00 Le nouveau Web of Science Grants Index offre un accès rapide aux informations sur les subventions précédemment accordées afin de soutenir les efforts des chercheurs pour obtenir...26/02/2024
The NOISE association is organizing Transition Week, dedicated to social and environmental issues, from March 4 to 8 at ESSEC. On the agenda: DIY workshops, conferences, training courses, vegetarian food sales, a traveling thrift shop, a forum on impact jobs... Check out the full program on Facebook. The K-lab is taking part in this event by showcasing a selection of documents addressing these...21/02/2024
More and more newspapers, magazines and other periodicals are now available online through our press resources: Europresse, Factiva and Cafeyn. Their paper versions are also less and less consulted in the K-lab areas. We have therefore decided to unsubscribe from the paper versions of some titles, in favor of online access. They are listed below, along with links to the resources where you can...10/02/2024
The K-lab has subscribed to the "Canva for Campus" service offered by the famous online design and visual communication tool Canva. "For Campus" package includes all the features of the Premium access, such as over 60,000 templates (8,000 in the free version), exports to print-ready formats, and advanced team-working functions. Reserved for students in initial training, Canva is easily...06/02/2024
New newspapers and magazines are now available on Cafeyn! This resource provides access to over 1,400 titles from the national and international press, both general and specialized. You can use it to read publications such as Libération, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Economist, Le Point, Challenges, and more! The PDF version of the print publication is available, as well as a screen-friendly...05/02/2024
MOOC of the month (February 2024): Paths to a Sustainable Future
The K-lab provides access for Students, Participants, Staff and Faculty to the certifying experience for the MOOCs created by ESSEC professors, and to the MOOCs of partner universities in the Coursera Consortium. You can complete thousands of MOOCs and discover a wide range of subjects: management, finance, cybersecurity, data science, personal development, languages... They are available for you...02/02/2024
This year again, the K-lab will be at ESSEC Research Day, on February 8th. The ESSEC Research Day aims to present the research work on promising or cutting-edge areas, focusing on methodological or content innovations. The K-lab supports Faculty in their academic research on the following issues: For any question relating to data management, finding information, visibility or publishing, you...