Applying for a job? Here's your Learning Center toolbox for job hunting: Keep up to date with what's happening in the companies you're applying at with Factiva Find out as much as you can on a specific sector or market using our studies and reports Finetune your resume, write your cover letter, and get ready for your interview with the Wetfeet guides and our many books on recruitment...19/09/2013
As part of a 1st year BBA course on geopolitics, Europe, and European policy, we set up a book exhibit and made a selection of documents on the subject. See also our Highlight on Finding data and info on countries.12/09/2013
Learn all about Singapore before taking off: borrow the City Guide 2013! Going Global "country guides" and the embassy of France in Singapore website are also valuable information sources on the Asian city-state. What about ESSEC in Singapore? Follow ESSEC Asia-Pacific on Facebook and Twitter. Feel like going out? Check out the recommendations on the Paris-Singapour blog. And for more...04/09/2013
New books, DVDs and e-books of the Learning Center Here are some of the latest acquisitions of the Learning Center. The online rules of successful companies Leadership from the inside out Networking like a pro Headhunter hiring secrets Happy money : the new science of smarter spending Quiet politics and business power...03/09/2013
A book collection by "Droit Management et Stratégies" research program
ESSEC’s European Center for Law and Economics and publisher Larcier launched a new collection of books on legal management and corporate legal strategy. This collection aims to publish innovative research on the managerial analysis of law and legal strategy, whether authored by ESSEC research program members or not. Come and discover these books on show at the entrance of the Learning Center...13/06/2013
Get your beach reading at the LC! Make the most of Summer loan and borrow novels and DVDs for your holidays. 22/05/2013
No computers available on campus? Want to try apps? Just curious? iPads and Chromebooks are available at the Loans and Information desk: just ask! iPads are loaned for a week and Chromebooks for a day (on the premises).21/05/2013
See who wins and collect a copy of the book on May 24 at 11.45am at the Learning Center! Orange posters of the first page of the best short stories written by Grande Ecole Bachelor’s students have been displayed in the Learning Center. The three top stories will be awarded prizes at the ceremony. Everyone is welcome to attend. All the short stories will be collected in a book available to...25/04/2013
Till June 30, try CAIRN’s collection of e-books: research books, pocket encyclopedias, and “Etat du monde” data. Find this new content on CAIRN in the following three tabs: Les ouvrages: research books by individual or collective authors Les encyclopédies de poche: famous pocket books like “Que sais-je ?” and “Repères” by La Découverte L’Etat du monde: find annual reports,...02/04/2013
The contest is now over. The 10 winners will be notified by e-mail on when and how to pick up their book. La France, bonne élève du développement durable ? by Robin Degros Learn more with our highlight on sustainable development and CSR resources. Thanks to a partnership with La Documentation Française and the Doc’ en Poche collection