The Learning Center is closed from December, 20th 2014 to January, 4th 2015. Before your holidays, borrow some books or DVDs and have a look at our gorgeous book Christmas tree! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!03/11/2014
In October 2014 the Learning Center saw a record number of visitors with 19,447 admissions! That's 3,000 more admissions than in October 2014 This number was never reached during academic year 2013-2014 Thank you all and feel free to let us know what would make your Learning Center experience even better :)15/10/2014
Three Career Fairs are taking place on October 16, so here's a quick overview of the most useful resources for job hunting: Keep up to date with what's happening in the companies you're applying at with Factiva Find out as much as you can on a specific sector or market using our studies and reports Finetune your resume, write your cover letter, and get ready for your interview with...14/10/2014
Read Jean Tirole's Profile on the official Nobel Prize website. For more info, go to: Google Scholar Inside to read some of his articles His books available at the Learning Center Anastasios Dosis' point of view on ESSEC Knowledge: The Nobel Prize Goes to an Exceptional Micro-economist13/10/2014
#getinvolved with our resource selection! Don't forget about our journals and magazines, which you can find online and in the News area: (bientôt disponible) For the week's schedule and info, go to engagement.essec.edu30/09/2014
Every Tuesday, check out the Learning Center's latest acquisitions on our displays. This week, you'll find these documents and many others:12/09/2014
ESSEC's first MOOC, titled « L’avenir de la décision », is produced by the Chair Edgar Morin on Complexity created by ESSEC in March 2014. The MOOC is hosted on platform Coursera. It will start on October 20 and will last for 6 weeks. You can register right now:01/09/2014
After testing the trial version last May, we decided to subscribe to MarketLine Advantage: make the most of it right now! MarketLine includes: 4200+ Industry Profile reports – including Porters Five Forces Analysis. 34,000+ Company Profiles – with 2500+ including SWOT analysis 245+ Case Study Reports 430,000+ Company News Articles 320,000+ Financial Deals Articles 110 Country...04/07/2014
Wherever you are, we're here to help! Access the best theses and dissertations from years past online, in your Google Drive Need help on how to write your thesis? Check out our book selection on tips and methods for thesis writing. Do some research! Find academic and professional press articles Last but not least: write up your bibliography We can also help you individually for...19/06/2014
From July 5 to August 31, the Learning Center will close to allow the remodelling of the premises in order to integrate the "FabLab" for learning and research. However we remain available online from 9am to 6pm during weekdays until July 25. 3 ways to contact us for any questions: by email: learningcenter@es...