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    The Learning Center has subscribed to a new resource: Europresse. This new resource allows you to access over 8 000 general and specialized, national and international newspapers and magazines, as well as country reports and company profiles. ​ Among the titles available on Europresse, you will find: Le Monde Financial Times New York Times The Economist Décision Achats Entreprise &...


iMagination Week 2017 Global BBA

From August 28 to September 1, iMagination Week will welcome once again the 420 3rd year students of the Global BBA program. This week will be based on the theme of transformation, a notion part of the essence of the BBA program: field works, foreign exchanges, internships are all experiences which contribute to shaping the BBA student’s personality and defining his/her future. Through...


New equipment for teamwork rooms B13 and B16

    Teamwork rooms B13 and B16 have been refurbished this summer ! For the start of the new school year, you can enjoy new equipment: room B13 now sits 8 persons and is equipped with a screen and HDMI/VGA connection.   In room B16, you can now use a big touch screen on which you can plug in you own computer. You can work there with you team, up to 10 persons. Display your working files, draw on...
Capture d'écran Médiathèque Numérique


Over 4000 movies available on Médiathèque Numérique

A new school year is starting and the Learning Center is offering a new resource: the Médiathèque Numérique, a video on demand service. To access it, you just need to create an account (using your Essec email address), and as soon as we validate it, you will be able to watch up to 4 videos a month!  The catalogue comprises over 4 000 programmes. (50%  cinema, 30% documentaries, 15% magazines, and...


Book a teamwork room on Affluences

  Need a teamwork room? You can now use our new teamwork room reservation system! No need to contact the Learning Center to book a room anymore, you can directly go to Affluences or download the app (available on the App Store and Google Play).   It only takes a few clicks to choose a room that fits your needs, a time and duration, and then enter your ESSEC email adress to validate your...


Summer is coming!

  Starting June 12, you can borrow documents until October. This way you can stock up on beach reading! And if you’re not sure what to chose, you can borrow one of our surprise packages that contain documents we picked just for you!  


More articles from Delphes are now available remotely!

Thanks to the new tool MyPool, you can now access more articles off campus by printing them. The "Imprimer l'article" button appears near the articles in question (1). After you click it, go to your "Espace MyPool" on the left hand side of the screen (2), where you will be able to download (3) an executable (.exe) file that will print the selected articles when you launch it.     Please note...


Changes on Cairn's interface

The interface of Cairn, a database for full text articles from French journals in humanities, social sciences, and management science, was recently modified. Here are two quick tips to get used to it. Before launching your search, select "Texte intégral accessible via votre institution" so that you avoid getting articles from journal the Learning Center doesn't have a subscription for in the...


Try Europresse until April 3rd!

    The Learning Center provides you with a trial access to Europresse all week long. Read the daily news, professional press, or use the archives for research, and let us know how you like it!     Among the titles available on Europresse, you will find: Le Monde Décision Achats Entreprise & Carrières Process Alimentaire La Recherche L'Usine Nouvelle All the features of this resource are...


Take part in our 2017 satisfaction survey!

Update: the survey is now closed, we will soon share the results with you! The Learning Center launches its 2017 satisfaction survey. Collecting your opinion allows us to better adapt our services and our spaces to your needs. Do not hesitate to share the survey as widely as possible around you to other members of ESSEC community. To participate in the survey, you may click here: 2017...
