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What's new for back-to-school 2023


The start of the 2023 school year promises to be full of new developments for K-lab resources: new content on certain databases, and subscriptions to two new resources.





To complete the range of press titles already available on Europresse and Factiva, the K-lab is introducing a new subscription this September: Cafeyn. This press database contains mainly French-language titles, but also English-language publications such as The Economist. Cafeyn offers both newspapers and news magazines (L'Elephant, la Revue dessinée, Libération...), professional press (Stratégies, Supply Chain Magazine, IT for Business, Décisions Achat, Marketing, l'Agefi), and entertainment (history, gardening, fashion, sport, music, cinema...).

Here are some more examples of the magazines available on Cafeyn:

  • Vogue, GQ, L’Officiel
  • Wired, Usbek et Rica, Slate, L’Elephant, la Revue dessinée, 
  • Libération
  • Altereco

Quick tip: Cafeyn cannot be accessed on the app, so bookmark the resource page for easy access! 



Lextenso is a legal database providing access to journals, codes and French and African case law.

  • Codes: all the official codes in force and their various versions

  • Journals: 25 general and specialized journals, including Gazette du Palais, Bulletins Joly and Petites affiches. The journals to which you have access vary according to your subscription. Journal articles can be consulted online or in PDF format.

  • Case law: over 2,800,000 decisions (including over 2,000,000 decisions from appeal courts).

Watch the tutorial by Lextenso for more information.

Delphes : Indexpresse Business Etudes


To complete its offer of professional press, Delphes now offers comprehensive sector studies (in French) on buoyant, emerging and changing markets. For example, here are the titles of the latest studies published:

  • "Photovoltaïque. L’essor de la demande profite aux acteurs historiques comme aux nouveaux entrants et stimule l’innovation"
  • "Green IT. En plein essor, le marché fait face à des besoins de formation, de structuration et de sensibilisation"
  • "Protéines végétales. De l’amont à l’aval de la chaîne de valeur, des stratégies diversifiées s’imposent pour s’implanter sur le marché"

You can find them in the "Approfondir" menu, or among the results of your searches. You can currently consult 161 studies, and a new study is published every month by the IndexPresse team.



Xerfi has been given a graphic makeover for this fall, with:

  • A redesigned user experience and optimized navigation
  • The introduction of new ways to find a study (search by sector, company name, country or language of publication).
  • Easier access to international studies

In addition, 200 new international studies (in English) have been added to the existing catalog.

New-York Times

The K-lab subscription for the New-York Times will end on September 30th, 2023. If you had a NYT account, you will no longer be able to access the website or the app after this date. However, you can still read the articles from the newspaper and the website on Factiva!