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Recommendations for a more inclusive Learning Center

Last year, a project group of 4 librarians and documentalists worked on the question "How can we make the Learning Center more inclusive?". After defining inclusion, meeting the many stakeholders involved in inclusion at ESSEC, and listing the areas in which the Learning Center was already inclusive, recommendations were drafted. You can find them summarized in the infographic below.

For more details, the full document is available here:

Collaboration. Work more closely with other ESSEC departments and student associations to mutualize the services offered to different communities and encourage their inclusion, and offer to host events in the Learning Center spaces

Employee awareness and training. Raise awareness of diversity and inclusion issues among Learning Center staff. Specifying our pronouns in email signatures and during introductions. Participating in the various training courses offered by ESSEC. Appointing a Disability and Diversity Officer, who acts as a point of contact between users and departments

Services. Facilitate the borrowing of our documents by people who are far from the campus or currently unable to borrow. Promote our services by reaching out to users outside the Learning Center. Open up our services to new programs. Diversify our collections and offer other forms of access (object exchanges)

Animation and communication. Take advantage of intercultural events in conjunction with other departments to promote the diversity of our collections (easy reading, cross-media support, audio reading). Work on less

Facilities. Systematically take into account all potential obstacles for students with disabilities. Work on orientation and collection signage that is accessible to all (size, pictograms, colors, floor markings, audible and tactile signage). Communicate on the accessibility of spaces and furniture

Digital accessibility. Include digital accessibility in the specifications for the future K-lab site, based on official guidelines. Identify points for improvement to be requested from suppliers for each online resource. Ensure more systematic use of adapted fonts and more inclusive digital formats (Epub 3)