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New ESSEC MOOC: Grande Distribution et RSE : Comprendre et Agir

The ESSEC Grande Consommation Chair has launched their MOOC on the CSR challenges facing mass retailing, the first structured course on this topic in France and abroad.

With its impact on biodiversity, its greenhouse gas emissions and its influence on employment and public health, mass retail has a major responsibility in terms of CSR. Today, it is essential to reflect on the future challenges facing the retail sector, in order to anticipate what should be one of the key differentiating factors for retailers: service to the common good.

With this MOOC, you will be able to:

  • Understand the challenges involved in transforming the retail sector in terms of CSR
  • Analyze what retailers are doing well, not so well or not fast enough
  • Assess the role of stakeholders (governments, consumers, NGOs, etc.)

The MOOC is made up of 7 modules in French, giving you around 12 hours of content to follow at your own pace.

The MOOC is available for free on Coursera. In addition, ESSEC students, participants, staff and professors can register for ESSEC MOOCs and benefit from a Premium experience.