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MOOC of the month (march 2025) : "L'avenir de la décision : connaître et agir en complexité"

The K-lab provides access for Students, Participants, Staff and Faculty to the certifying experience for the MOOCs created by ESSEC professors on Coursera. A total of 45 MOOCs, on subjects as diverse as the circular economy, diversity and inclusion, and managerial innovation, are available for you to attend, and for which you can obtain free certification by registering from the K-lab website. Not sure where to start? We'll suggest a MOOC each month, based on the recommendations of the ESSEC community.

The MOOC "L'avenir de la décision : connaître et agir en complexité" ('The future of decision-making: knowing and acting in complexity') is presented by the philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin and Prof. Laurent Bibard. After defining complexity, this MOOC looks at uncertainty and decision-making, from the individual to the planetary level and including applications to business.

To register on Coursera and access the certification experience, use the link on the K-lab website and follow the registration procedure

Si le sujet de la complexité et de l'incertitude vous intéresse, Laurent Bibard les aborde également dans son livre Vivre dans un monde complexe : Alice au pays des incertitudes, que vous pouvez emprunter au Learning Center, ainsi qu'en vidéo sur Xerfi Canal :

If the topic of complexity and uncertainty is of interest to you, Laurent Bibard also addresses them in his book Vivre dans un monde complexe : Alice au pays des incertitudes, which you can borrow from the Learning Center. It is also the subject of this short video on Xerfi Canal: