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Learn how to create good quality podcast thanks to the new K-lab workshop!


The K-lab launches a new workshop "Record your first podcast". It will take place in French, on Tuesday, February 1 at 12pm in room B18 (in person).


Need to create engaging content with few technical resources?


Podcasts allow you to produce content faster than a video while promoting engagement and proximity with an ever-growing audience.




At the end of the workshop, you will be able to :  

  • Define the identity of your podcast
  • Evaluate the quality of the environment in which you record
  • Record, edit and export audio with Audacity



The K-lab regularly organizes workshops on issues related to the information society and the use of digital and technological tools. These workshops take place during experiences organized by programs or open to the whole ESSEC community. To learn more about the workshops, you can visit the dedicated website.