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French Open Science Monitor 2024

The French Open Science Monitor was created as part of the 1st National Plan for Open Science 2018-2021 to measure practices and their evolution, assess the impact of open science policy and refine and adjust it.
For example, we were able to measure that "the rate of French scientific publications in open access rose from 41% in 2017 to 56% in 2019." (according to the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche website).

Since 2022, ESSEC has been generating its own Open Science Barometer to communicate on its integration of Open Science principles into its practices.

This graph 2024 shows an increase in the open access rate of ESSEC Business School's academic publications, with a Crossref DOI*.


New for 2024: In order to better link scientific publications, data exploited and codes and software used for these academic works and mentioned in the publications, the Open Science Barometer 2024 provides, in Beta version, new graphs:





At the K-lab, you can contact Régine Belliard (   ), in charge of research support, to help you with all aspects of open science: advice on open access publishing (payment of APCs, choice of license, retention of copyright, etc.), help with drafting your data management plan (proofreading, advice, etc.), etc.

*The DOI (Digital object identifier) is a persistent identifier used, among other things, for academic articles. Crossref is the first DOI registration agency.