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The cultural artefacts from the Wanderlust Seminar - 2021

From November 29th to December 17th, come to the ground floor of the Learning Center and discover the artefacts created by the students.

On September 28, 2021, more than 400 Pre-Master's students gathered in the Grand Amphi for the launch of the 6th edition of the Wanderlust Seminar. They were welcomed by Michael Kouklakis, the Director of the Department of Languages and Cultures, who announced the objectives of this unique educational experience:

  • sensitize students to the concepts of otherness and local embeddedness through a variety of themes / subjects pertaining to cultural diversity, urban geography, social inclusion, urban sports, art, local agriculture, 

  • offer students the opportunity to carry out fieldwork in small, autonomous work teams by exploring, learning and experiencing the world outside of the confines of the classroom in the territory around ESSEC and recount their findings in a concise, thorough and creative manner.

  • enable students to acquire a conceptual framework to conduct fieldwork and develop an anthropological perspective – that is to say, a concern for understanding human diversity through field-based research and participatory observation.

During this opening session, Professor Laurent Bibard shared his reflections in a talk provocatively and good-naturedly entitled, De l'idiotie universelle, ou Pourquoi nous sommes tous des abrutis?

In order to achieve the objectives, the participants of the Wanderlust Seminar had to choose a mission/challenge which you can view by clicking on the link Wanderlust Seminar Missions - 6th Edition. The missions were conceived / proposed by individuals, departments, services of ESSEC and local organizations of Cergy-Pontoise: the Department of Languages and Cultures, Points Communs, Solinum, Le Fablab - Labboîte, Espace Cesame, Elisabeth Forget, Laurence Fischer, Gérard Sandret, CY International. 

To fulfill their missions, the students had to conceptualize and create cultural artefacts that could come in several forms: short films, scrapbooks, travel journals, interactive maps, posters, etc.. A representative sample of the best creations are now gathered in the exhibition on the first floor of the Learning Centre for your viewing pleasure.